Wednesday, November 02, 2005

On the Way to Monteverde/Santa Elena

So, I just made it on the public bus to Monteverde this afternoon and arrived in Santa Elena nearby. I'm staying at Penson Santa Elena in a sparse dorm, only lower bunks available and I already hit my head when I dropped off my bags. Okay, the bus was an experience especially considering I don't use buses at home. It was five hours, the last 1 1/2 very bumpy and slow.

I noticed a few things about the bus: 1) I don't know how they drive them on the roads here but there is a lot of horn blowing and waving; 2) People come to a bus stop to drop off a package and pay the driver to deliver it somewhere; 3) There are a lot of near misses; 4) My head still hurts but not as bad as it could (I overdosed with motion sickness pills but they are natural so probably not as effective, he hee). Oh, and they don't stop for a pee break until 3 1/2 hours into the trip. Yeah, let's just say I had to go about when I got on so that was tough on the body!

My room is really sparse and evidently I'm sharing the dorm with three guys from Australia but I haven't seen them yet. Of course they already took the top bunks and the bottom is really close to the top. Kind of reminds me of when I had a loft in college where I had to slither up to go to sleep. I'm hoping I'll sleep well because I'm going on the canopy and walkway tour tomorrow morning. I have the name of someone to call but I thought it was too late to call him tonight so I figure I'll try him tomorrow when I return from the tours.

I figure I'll probably just stay one more night and then head to the beach on the Nicoya Peninsula. I think I'll try Montezuma after talking with a few people although there are so many other areas that look great. I have to say it's strange traveling alone, I had a really lonely moment or so on the bus ride. But, it sure gives me a lot of time to think. Yikes, that could be scary. I'm also very glad that Carrie decided to join me because I don't know if I would truly enjoy almost six months on my own. YEAH for Carrie! :)

Well, I kind of missed dinner but I forgot to tell you about the other thing about the bus I found interesting. People would get on at one stop and sell food and get off at the next. So, I bought these little pastry type things that have something a little sweet in the center. I have no idea what they really are though! But, I think that might be my dinner tonight and I'll have to get a more substantial breakfast tomorrow before the tour. I do have 3 CLIFF bars left for emergencies.

I'm going to have to leave the common area of the Pension because someone is cooking and it's going to drive me crazy! Tomorrow I'll have to go to the store. I could splurge considering my room is only $5. (Oh, looks like the shower is cold - what fun).

Take care everyone, dont' know when my next blog will happen but stay tuned.


At 2:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmm.... I wonder what's in the pastry?!? It sounds like an adventure Jenn. You are never truly alone! We are with you! I can't wait to hear about Montezuma! Love you - Jim and Shannon

At 3:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just read your blog and it is great. We can't wait to read the next installment and hear all the great stories next spring. Hope you are keeping safe and have a wonderful time. By the time you get back, the twins will be walking. By the way, Michael rolled over today (3 times).
Matt & Marie

At 8:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there, girl ! Your adventure is starting to get interesting. I don't know that I would have been so "trusting" of the pastries ;-)

Just a quick update on the POL Symposium. There was BIG drama over Nancy D not knowing that there was going to be the next conference out in CA. She took the "liberty" to spread the word to the exhibitors, and I'm sure she did everything in her power to make the Baltimore conference appear in a bad light since we didn't use her "suggestions" for exhibitor layout, food placement, speakers, and so on. Can't wait to see how this plays out. T and I are beat - my feet HURT alot. I'm leaving Tuesday for Phoenix for a NASCAR race - nothing as adventureous as your trip though. Just sitting in the 80+ sunshine listening to the racing radio as the cars go round and round for 300+ laps.

Denise worked at the Symposium and was our computer operator for 2 days. Sharon worked the Registration desk and did a great job with customer hospitality. Cynthia was on the Registration desk for 3 days too, and was a valuable member of the team. Jean, Shelly, and Alka came down and helped out on different days too. Leonid helped with keeping the A/V going (along with the A/V tech we hired), and Michael M (the new IT director) helped setup the network and such on the days he was there. The weather was great (70+ for Baltimore in November !!!!) and sunny. I'm sure the attendees went outside during their breaks rather than going to the exhibits - that maybe why some of the exhibitors commented (I had another word but decided that I should replace it as this is surely a family reading site) that they didn't have very good traffic by their booths. It is interesting that two booths separated by 20 feet on the same aisle could have totally different perspectives about whether they had good traffic or not. Poor T - she was going nuts with dealing with the drama of the exhibitors, Nancy D's constant reminder that she didn't know about CA in May and how she's not involved in the decision making anymore, and finally the not so great service from the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront. The hotel was a big disappointment - or maybe our expectations were high because we believed that Marriott would be world class customer focus service for our meeting. Big difference in employee attitudes between the Baltimore Marriott BWI Airport hotel and the downtown location we were at this year. The staff at the BWI were much better ;-) last year, than the staff at the BMW this year. A speaker actually told me, and a vendor told T, that they were standing in the hall talking and one BMW employee yelled at another BMW employee (right in the main foyer adjacent to the ballroom) "what the F--- do you think you're doing?" Some world class service...

Did you know that Dr VJ (Harrison Ford look-alike) is a gourmet cook? He does all the cooking at his home on the weekends, and does all the cooking at his cabin on the lake. I never would have thought about him being into making food as well as loving gourmet restaurants.

One last thing - there was a session on Calibration verification (the hot change in the CLIA regs) with two speakers and a speaker from CMS. It was the most exciting session at the conference and got people talking about cal verification. Evidently one of speakers said something that was not quite right, and someone from the audience started questioning the info, and the person from the government would say one thing, and wait for verification from it from the audience, and then when challenged, would change her statement, and would cause another speaker to question that statement, and so on and so on. Sorry I missed that one. Attendees were talking about it for the rest of the meeting, and even during the Ask the Expert general session more questions came up and one of the speakers went and printed out the CLIA regs to try and get it clarified. Big DRAMA for our little meeting. In the closing session, speakers were still commenting and the audience giggling about the "topic" they'll never forget from the meeting.

So here's your update on the POL. I'm sure others will embelish as they wish. The Nancy D drama will go on for weeks. More to home later. Cj

At 8:27 PM, Blogger me said...

Well your adventure is starting already! Your description of Costa Rica makes me wish I was there with you. I know what those roads are like and I remember being shocked when I saw one of those buses in Monteverde! I hope you are getting some good pictures and I can't wait to read your next entry. Do you have any Highs or lows yet? :-)



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